Monday, 15 October 2007

The Effects Of ICT On Our Lives

ICT effects our lives in many ways, anf for those who have a computer with the internet, which in the UK is a majority then you have many more avenues to go down in life.
The majority of people argue that ICT has a positive impact on our lives because it opens doors and windows into our potential as business men, entreupeners etc. This is because there are thousands of posibilities with Web 2.0, the idea of collaberating with fellow business men and sharing ideas to work to your advatage. As well as every day task, shopping can be done at home instead of making the trip down to the supermarket for example. Howeveer, a minority feel that the internet can be a negative thing. For example, if you take a look at the concept of the T.V it takes you away from friends and family and takes you out of reality, sure the same as using the computer, it breaks up social groups. Despite that idea, this can be easily countered with the fact that web 2.0 creats social groups through collaberation etc.

These are most of the considerable factors that the internet change.

Working styles
Communication - IM, E-mail, Myspace
Education - VLE
Entertainment and leisure
Banking and shopping - Online services
Decision making
Employment opportunities - C.V archives
Crime, and crime prevention
Civil rights

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